+90 542 125 91 07 info@concordebeauty.com

Eyelid Surgery

No. Eyelid aesthetics are not applied to correct wrinkles in the outer corners of your eyes (crow’s feet) or drooping eyebrows. There are also procedures such as non-surgical aesthetic operations that can be applied to remove wrinkles around the eyes, including botox and filler injection.


Oily and loose skin around the eyes usually occurs with age, but some young people are genetically prone to this, so there is no exact age range when performing eyelid aesthetics.

All our patients are fully insured against the risks that may occur along their travel

Concorde Beauty Treatment Packages including pre-operative tests, all medical fees, personal assistant, Fligths, VIP transfers, accommodations and after care services.

Plastic surgery, gastric surgery, hair transplant, cosmetic dentistry and general surgery in Turkey