What is gynecomastia?
Scar remove procedures will attempt to minimize a scar so that it is less conspicuous and blends in with the surrounding skin tone and texture.
Scars are visible signs that remain after a wound has healed. They are the unavoidable results of injury or surgery, and their development can be unpredictable. Poor healing may contribute to scars that are obvious, unsightly or disfiguring. Even a wound that heals well can result in a scar that affects your appearance. Scars may be noticeable due to their size, shape or location; they can also be raised or depressed, and may differ in color or texture from the surrounding healthy tissue.
Your treatment options may vary based on the type and degree of scarring and can include:
- Simple laser treatments
- surcical invasive procedures
Although scar remove can provide a more pleasing cosmetic result or improve a scar that has healed poorly, a scar cannot be completely erased.
Treatment With Laser
A laser can seem like a magic wand that can make any scar disappear. Medical lasers, however, are nothing to play with. To get impressive results and avoid serious side effects, it’s important to know these basic facts before you have laser treatment for a scar.
1. Laser treatment cannot get rid of a scar. Advancements in medicine, lasers are becoming a doctor’s go-to treatment for many scars. Laser treatment can:
- Prevent a raised scar from forming after surgery
- Reduce scar pain and itch
Laser treatment can also make a scar less noticeable, but it cannot get rid of a scar. When you have laser scar treatment, you’re replacing one scar with another less-noticeable scar. Laser treatment can safely treat many types of scars.
When the person performing your laser treatment lacks medical expertise and specialized knowledge of the skin, laser treatment may not give you the results you seek. It can even be dangerous.
**If someone promises to treat your scar before providing a medical consultation, walk away.**
To heal well and prevent the laser from scarring your skin, you may need to stop taking something for a while.
During the medical consultation, tell your doctor if you:
- Get cold sores
- Have any medical condition, including diabetes
- Smoke and alcohol
- Take any medications or supplements
It’s also important for your doctor to know what results you expect from treatment. Be honest.
2. Sun protection is crucial before and after laser treatment. If you show up for laser treatment with a tan or sunburn, your dermatologist cannot treat you. Using a laser could cause a serious burn or discolor your skin.
After having laser treatment, you’ll need to protect your skin from the sun until your skin heals. If the sun’s harmful rays hit your treated skin, you can develop another scar.
3. You may need to make a few lifestyle changes before treatment. To heal well and get the best results from laser treatment, dermatologists recommend that patients:
- Quit smoking and alcohol for at least 2 weeks before laser treatment.
- Stop taking vitamin E, aspirin, and other medications and supplements that can delay healing.
- Stop using skin care products that contain a retinoid or glycolic acid for four weeks.
- Avoid the sun, tanning bed, or sunlamp. You cannot be treated if you have a tan or sunburn.
4. Your treatment plan may include more than laser treatment. To give patients the best results, dermatologists often use more than one treatment for scars. For example, if a patient has deep acne scars, a dermatologist may treat the scars with a laser. The patient may also get a filler.
5. You may need more than one laser treatment. To give a patient long-lasting results and the most improvement, a dermatologist may schedule a series of laser treatments.
6. After laser treatment, you’ll need to care for the treated area at home. Following your dermatologist’s instructions for at-home care after laser treatment will help you see the best results and prevent possible side effects.
7. Results take time to appear. It can take months to see the results from laser scar treatment, and you may notice little improvement at first.
If you’re considering laser scar treatment, the best way to find out if it’s right for you is to meet with our senior dermatologist. You can find one who specializes in laser procedures at Concorde Beauty
Surcical Invasive Procedures
Scar remove is plastic surgery performed to improve the condition or appearance of a scar anywhere on your body. The different types of scars include:
Discoloration or surface irregularities and other more subtle scars can be cosmetically improved by surgery or other treatments recommended by your plastic surgeon. These types of scars do not impair function or cause physical discomfort and include acne scars as well as scars resulting from minor injury and prior surgical incisions.
The type of scar you have will determine the appropriate techniques your plastic surgeon will use to improve your scar.
Who is a suitable candidate for scar removal?
Scar remove is a highly individualized procedure and you should do it for yourself, not to fulfill someone else’s desires or to try to fit any sort of ideal image.
Scar remove can be performed on people of any age and is a good option for you if:
- You are bothered by a scar anywhere on your body
- You are physically healthy
- You have a positive outlook and realistic goals
- for your scar revision surgery
- You do not have active acne or other skin diseases in the area to be treated
What should you expect during a consultation for scar removal?
The success and safety of your scar revision procedure depends very much on your complete candidness during your consultation. You’ll be asked a number of questions about your health, desires and lifestyle.
During your scar removal consultation be prepared to discuss:
- Why you want the surgery, your expectations and desired outcome
- Medical conditions, drug allergies and medical treatments
- Use of current medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, tobacco and drugs
- Previous surgeries
- Evaluate your general health status and any pre-existing health conditions or risk factors
- Examine your scar in detail
- Take photographs for your medical record
- Ask likely outcomes and any risks or potential complications
What are the steps of a scar removal procedure?
Step 1 – Anesthesia
Medications are administered for your comfort during the surgical procedures. The choices include local anesthesia, intravenous sedation and general anesthesia.
Step 2 – The treatment
The degree of improvement that can be achieved with scar removal will depend on the severity of your scarring, and the type, size and location of the scar. In some cases, a single technique may provide significant improvement. However, your plastic surgeon may recommend a combination of scar revision techniques to achieve the best results.
Topical treatments, such as gels, tapes or external compression, can help in wound closure and healing to aid in the healing of scar revision procedures.
Injectable treatments may also be used. Dermal filler can be used to fill depressed or concave scars.
Step 3 – Performed an incision is needed to surgically remove for deep scars
Step 4 – Closing the incisions

Some scars require layered closure. Layered closure is often used where excision extends to tissue below the skin surface or in areas with a high degree of movement. The first step, or layer, requires sub-dermal closure (below the skin surface) with absorbable or non-removable sutures. Layers of closure continue to build, concluding with closure of the remaining surface wound.
Advanced techniques in scar remove include complex flap closures and W-plasty or Z-plasty techniques. Flap closures may reposition a scar so that it is less conspicuous or improve flexibility where contracture has restricted mobility.
Pharmaceutical tissue substitutes may be used if ample healthy tissue is not present for closure of a scar excision. This is more likely with revision of severe burn scars.

What should you expect during your scar removal recovery?
Firs of all The practice of medicine and surgery is not an exact science. Although good results are expected, there are no guarantees; and in some situations, it may not be possible to achieve optimal results with a single surgical procedure and another surgery may be necessary. But generaly successful results can be obtained in theses procedures.
Progress and healing
The initial healing phase of a surgical scar remove may include localized swelling, discoloration or discomfort and may take 1 to 2 weeks. Healing will continue for several weeks and as the new scar heals it will slowly refine and fade. With dermabrasion, chemical peel or laser resurfacing, you will experience similar conditions at the treated area, in addition to overall sensitivity.
The final results of your scar remove surgery will be long lasting, however it may take several months for your final results to become apparent and in some cases it may take a year for the new scar to fully heal and fade.
What are the risks of scar removal?
The decision to have scar remove surgery is extremely personal and you’ll have to decide if the benefits will achieve your goals and if the risks and potential complications are acceptable. Your medical consultant will explain in detail the risks associated with surgery.
You will be asked to sign consent forms to ensure that you fully understand the procedure you will undergo, the alternatives and the most likely risks and potential complications.
Scar removal risks include:
- Anesthesia risks
- Asymmetry
- Bleeding
- Deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications
- Fatty tissue found deep in the skin might die (fat necrosis)
- Fluid accumulation (seroma)
- Hematoma
- Infection
- Numbness or other changes in skin sensation
- Persistent pain
- Poor healing of incisions
- Possibility of revisional surgery
- Recurrent looseness of skin
- Skin discoloration and/or prolonged swelling
- Skin loss
- Suboptimal aesthetic result
- Unfavorable scarring

Where will your surgery be performed?
Scar revision surgery will performed in a full-fledged hospital. Your plastic surgeon and our assisting staff will fully attend to your comfort and safety.
When your procedure is finished, bandages or dressings may be applied to keep the surgical site clean.
You will be given specific instructions that may include: How to care for yourself following surgery, medications to apply or take orally to aid healing and reduce the risk of infection and when to follow-up with your plastic surgeon.
When you go home
If you experience shortness of breath, chest pains or unusual heartbeats, seek medical attention immediately. Should any of these complications occur, you may require hospitalization and additional treatment.
Be careful
Following your physician’s instructions is key to the success of your surgery. It is important that the surgical incisions are not subjected to excessive force, abrasion or motion during the time of healing.
Follow all postoperative instructions carefully, including cleansing and at-home treatment regimens, and avoid sun exposure. Your cooperation will influence the outcome of your surgery.
What is included our packages?
It is not enough to know how to get a scar removal in Turkey or how much is a scar removal in Turkey. You should have a clear idea of what all will be included in your scar removal cost. This will ensure that you do not face any unpleasant surprises later on at the time of billing. When you work with a trusted medical tourism provider, they will clearly outline what all costs are covered.Turkey scar removal cost inclusions are typically as follows:
- All medical fees
- Costs of all hospital and hotel accommodations
- Costs of x-rays, blood tests, or other pre- and post-operation diagnostics
- After care services
- Cost of all medications
- Cost of a compression garment, if required
- All transfers
- All fligth tickets