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Vaser Liposuction Body Contouring

Liposuction is a safe and proven fat reduction and body contouring plastic surgery procedure to create slimmer, more proportionate body contours. People often struggle with stubborn fat pockets and unsightly bulges in areas such as the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, love handles, upper arms, back, and neck. 
If the unwanted fat deposits in certain areas of your body have become resistant to diet or exercise, you could be a good candidate for liposuction surgery. For more than 30 years, liposuction has continued to rank among the top cosmetic surgery procedures for removing isolated fat deposits in a targeted, less invasive manner. 
Your cosmetic surgeon may recommend tumescent liposuction, which is currently the most widely used surgical technique to perform this body contouring procedure. This procedure can be performed using local anesthesia and involves smaller incisions. Your tissue trauma will be minimized, which means the risk of complications is low and recovery is fast. 
Liposuction or body contouring is not only a versatile procedure that can correct the contours in most parts of your body, but it can also be combined effectively with other surgeries for more comprehensive body enhancement outcomes. You can expect a slimmer, more defined figure, improved muscle tone, and an overall youthful look with liposuction surgery.

( Liposuction For Men & Women )

You work hard in the gym to get the slim, fit and athletic body of your dreams, but if you’re finding that there are a few trouble spots standing in your way of achieving that six-pack definition of your body, SIX PACK or TWO PACK LIPOSUCTION  ( Liposuction For Men & Women ) could be the answer.

Sometimes referred to as “abdominal etching” or “six-pack or two pack lipo,” VASER HI Def Lipo is frequently performed to get rid of the small layer of “pinchable” fat in the stomach area that obscures the underlying muscle definition.

Who Is a Suitable Candidate for VASER Hi Def Lipo

As with other types of liposuction, the best candidates for VASER lipo should already be very close to their ideal weight, but with isolated pockets of stubborn fat that aren’t responding to diet and exercise.

What does a VASER Hi Def Lipo do?

This technology is used by plastic surgeons to etch out muscle groups in the abdomen, chest, shoulder, back, arms, and anywhere where muscle definition can be improved. Other popular areas for this treatment include the shoulders, hips, thighs, buttocks, knees, jawline and the male chest.

VASER can be included as a part of 360° liposuction that is targeting unwanted pockets of fat on several areas of the body. Women whose goal is to achieve a curvier hourglass shape in addition to abdominal etching may want to include a Brazilian butt lift with their VASER lipo procedure.

VASER lipo Procedure

The VASERlipo System utilizes tissue-selective ultrasound energy to make the liposuction process more effective. First, your plastic surgeon will inject a special saline solution to the area to be treated. This tumescent fluid helps to temporarily expand the tissue in the area as well as shrink blood vessels so that the targeted fat cells are easier to remove. 
surgeon will create small incisions through which small probes can be inserted. These will emit ultrasound energy to further separate the fat cells from surrounding tissue, which will then be removed through a small tube called a cannula. 
Using this advanced abdominal etching technique, your plastic surgeon can precisely remove fat around specific muscle groups for enhanced definition of the abs or other target areas.

Your VASER Hi Def Lipo Recovery and Results

After your VASER Hi Def Lipo procedure, you will be asked to wear a special compression garment to help minimize swelling. Over the next 2 to 3 weeks, you’ll need to limit your physical activity while your body heals.your plastic surgeon will work with you to help you decide when it’s best to return to work and begin introducing more strenuous physical activities into your routine.

What is included our packages?

It is not enough to know how to get a butt lift in Turkey or how much is a BBL in Turkey. You should have a clear idea of what all will be included in your Brazilian butt lift cost. This will ensure that you do not face any unpleasant surprises later on at the time of billing. When you work with a trusted medical tourism provider, they will clearly outline what all costs are covered. 
Turkey BBL cost inclusions are typically as follows: 

  • All medical fees
  • Costs of all hospital and hotel accommodations
  • Costs of x-rays, blood tests, or other pre- and post-operation diagnostics
  • After care services
  • Cost of all medications
  • Cost of a compression garment, if required
  • All transfers
  • All fligth tickets
All our patients are fully insured against the risks that may occur along their travel

Concorde Beauty Treatment Packages including pre-operative tests, all medical fees, personal assistant, Fligths, VIP transfers, accommodations and after care services.

Plastic surgery, gastric surgery, hair transplant, cosmetic dentistry and general surgery in Turkey